Welcome to ConMed Response!

What we do:

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit, event medical team, based in Massachusetts. We offer staff trained at the Emergency Medical Technician level or higher, to render medical and mental health care to people at your show. We will provide response teams who will assist people at the event, and staff a first aid room or tent for people who need further evaluation and treatment. Our physician medical director, board-certified in Emergency Medicine, has completed the American Academy of Event Medicine Event Medic course, which focuses on topics unique to the specialty of event medicine.

We believe that medical care is *not* just CPR, bandages, and medications, but that providing mental health support is equally important, and some of our members have taken the Mental Health First Aid course to provide this important but sometimes neglected aspect of care.

We bring all our own medical equipment to your show:

- Automatic External Defibrillators (AED)

- Oxygen tanks

- Bandaging and splinting supplies

Because we have a licensed physician as our medical director, we can provide common over-the-counter medications and treatments that require a prescription:

- Ibuprofen (Motrin)

- Acetaminophen (Tylenol)

- Maalox

- Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

- Naloxone (Narcan) for opioid overdoses

- Epinephrine (Epi-Pen) for severe allergic reactions

We can treat:

- Sprains

- Minor burns

We can integrate seamlessly into your organization’s structure and provide a planned response for mass-casualty incidents, evacuations, and emergency scenarios.

Want to know more?

Visit our FAQ to see our most commonly asked questions. Our Events Page to find us at a show or contact us!